
"A Sure Foundation for This Generation"

“Steadfast in a universe of wavering standards…” That’s it!!! I grabbed my scissors and quickly snipped the advertisement from an exercise magazine. I stapled it as the centerpiece for our dorm room collage. Over 20 years have come and gone, but still the statement commands our attention. Looking back on my past years of college ministry, the recurring theme appears to be a question of our long-term stability in Christ.

As Christians we are called to run and finish a marathon, not a sprint (Mt. 24:13, Lk. 14:28, 2Tim. 4:7). In a day of doctrinal whirlwinds, moral earthquakes, and floods of lies, will our house of the LORD’s testimony (our Christian life and walk) stand or fall? While covering various topics related to “This Gospel of The Kingdom,” this repeated emphasis has come to receive our undivided attention. Are we being wise master builders, laying and building upon the sure foundation of Jesus Christ? Are we steadfastly continuing in the faith, grounded and settled, immovable concerning the hope of the Gospel? God is confronting and correcting the faulty foundations and shoddy craftsmanship of our lives and faith. Although, HE who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion, the timing and ease of this process is often related to our yielding and obedience.

Many Christians today have come to a “crisis of belief.” For every generation there are giants. This principle is true for every segment of society. In fact, many historians measure a generation’s success by the size and number of giants they have conquered. Spiritually speaking, even as the Joshua Generation faced the sons of Anak and David battled Goliath, so this generation has its giants to face. If this generation is to fulfill their destiny, it must face and defeat “the Giant of Amorality.”

I recently was reflecting back on 1996, when we targeted this “American Amorality” with a series of outreaches at Florida State University. On Feb. 21 we ministered to over 100 students and athletes on “The Pursuit of Excellence.” During this meeting, a clear Word was spoken on God’s standard and the cost of discipleship. Many were confronted and challenged by this preaching of the Cross. On March 14, our friend Ken Dew gave a multi-media presentation, “Indecent Exposure.” This power packed production is a stunning expose on the “Sexual Revolution” and its devastating impact on our society. This 2 hour presentation was like the stone hurled from David’s sling, finding its mark and laying the Giant to rest. About 30 students came forward for counseling and prayer, as the Holy Spirit brought many through painful tears of guilt, rejection, shame, and abuse to the purity and healing that is only found in Christ. One freshman from F.S.U. said, “Indecent Exposure was very beneficial…setting the standard of purity in Christ and abstinence before us. This presentation mends wounds and plants god’s life and truth in hearts.” The 120 students at this meeting left knowing: 1) True freedom is not in self-indulgence, but self-control (Rom. 6:16). 2) You have freedom of choice, but not freedom of consequences (gal. 6:7-8). 3) This is the will of God, even your sanctification (1Thes. 4:1-8). 4) Christ Jesus our Lord has the power to forgive, heal, and set us free from the bondage of sin and death (Ps. 32, Rom. 8:2).

I remember those days and life changing meetings like they were yesterday. My heart still burns as I hope and pray with fervency again for God to visit and call out a generation of young radical Christians from the high school and college campuses of our land. As young leaders we had an all consuming passion to know God and live holy. The Holy Spirit used Holy Scriptures in holy moments to mark us eternally with a Heavenly fingerprint. The foundation of faith in Christ alone works its way deep into our hearts to purify and refine us. We then may be fitly framed into God’s work/house as pillars of testimony to the One True Living God.

“Steadfast in a universe of wavering standards” speaks truth of a smooth stone that can slay “The Giant of Amorality.” This stone of truth is not a concept or idea, but a person. He can’t be read, memorized, or learned, only known. It is the stone cut out without hands that smote the image of heathen dominion and brought in Kingdom power, the stone that the builders rejected that is become the headstone of the corner, and the rock of stumbling and stone of offense that is become the rock of our salvation. It is the LORD JESUS CHRIST. He wants us to see, stand on, believe in, and follow Him and Him alone (not our understanding, experience, knowledge or agendas). Christ is our life, and must be “made unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” As we stand upon HIM, “our all in all,” we will stand before the slain giant of a generation that once shouted the curse of no morals, no standards, and no absolutes. Then we will know, and boldly proclaim “on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” Selah.

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